It appears like another local news segment. FOX5 Vegas’s chief forecaster speaks live from a fireworks station about what’s hot for the Fourth of July season. The camera follows him to the corner of the store, where he meets a child holding a pamphlet of fireworks options.
It was too good for true.
Ted Pretty, FOX 5’s chief meteorologist, performed a live show in Nevada when Ted found a little boy pondering what fireworks he should purchase for July 4. When asked what kind of firework is best, his response was incredible:
Fireattack142 uploaded the 12-second clip on Wednesday. The video has been viewed more than half a billion times online. However, it turned out that the hilarious interaction was staged. As Luke O’Neil, an internet researcher, discovered, the tart-tongued child is Ted Pretty’s chief meteorologist’s kid, which Pretty then confirmed.
Fireattack142 uploaded the following YouTube video in June 2017. It was shot from his TV screen with a camera. Ted Pretty (Fox 5 News Vegas) is reporting on fireworks for July. Pretty approaches a young boy standing outside a store selling fireworks and asks him: “What’s your favorite kind of firework?” The boy says, in a cold tone, “Wouldn’t that you like to know weather boy?” Pretty speechless (shown below). This video was viral. It received over a 2.3million views in three years.
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