Usually, you’ll discover your fish hanging out in the aquarium after having died in the middle of the night. If your pet has been sick for a long time and no treatment seems to work, you must aid the animal in its journey. Are you aware of how to kill a fish?
What is the reason You Have To Kill Your Fish? Fish?
Even the best-maintained fish may be susceptible to disease and parasites, particularly as the fish reaches its older years and is more prone to illness. Sometimes, if the natural forces don’t help, you’ll have to take the final call regarding your beloved pet.
For example, my fancy goldfish of 15 years suffered a severe bacteria-related infection in the last few days. I treated him, and he was able to recover, but it spread to his swimming bladder, and he was in a position not to swim. The poor fish lay there at the surface of the tank, not able to move or feed. All his tankmates were sick, and I concluded that Walt’s time was coming, and I decided to kill the fish.
How to kill a Humane fish Methods
There are some methods described in the article which are horrific and cruel. However, don’t be concerned. There are other methods to kill a fish easily.
Here are some more gentle ways you can experiment with:
Anaesthetics Overdose from Drug
The most effective method of killing the fish is to dose the fish with anaesthesia. Tricaine Methanesulfonate, also known as TMS, is an option to accomplish this. It’s also known as MS222. However, commercially, you may be able to recognize the brand as Finkel. It is available at any pet supplier.
If you’ve never tried it before, there is no need to be concerned about its authenticity. The substance can be FDA approved. It is the only drug that has been FDA authorized to kill fish. Fish biologist Meyers claims you can humanely kill an animal by doubling the standard dose you use for anaesthesia.
Another drug is “Benzocaine Hydroxychloride”, which can be used to achieve this. You’ll require a vet’s prescription to purchase it. The AVMA accepts its use for this medication; however, it is not straight Benzocaine. It’s because it’s water-soluble and doesn’t require the addition of ethanol or acetone, which can harm the tissues of fish.
Clove Oil
Sometimes referred to as eugenol, clove oil acts as an anti-stress agent in small doses. However, in higher doses, it is recommended by some scientists as a cost-effective method to kill fish, specifically smaller fish. In an aquarium container, mixing aquarium water, add garlic oil. Mix. If exposed to high concentrations of the oil clove, they rapidly cease breathing, lose consciousness, and stop breathing, which can reduce the pain. The result is death, and once confirmed that the fish has died, it can be removed from the mix of water and clove oil. The minimum dose required for the execution of euthanasia of 400 mg/L or greater.
Clove oil has several substances believed to cause cancer and must be handled cautiously.
Physical methods
Techniques for physical euthanasia require skilled handling of fish and may cause a significant amount of stress to fish. A lot of people are uncomfortable using physical methods. It is not recommended you try physical techniques without any prior experience because hesitation or inexperience and expertise can result in the fish having a poor experience. The fish.
The Stun and Stabs
Stabbing and stunning are the fastest methods to kill dying fish. It’s exactly like it is. The fish is struck with a blunt object, and the next step is to stab it using an instrument.
Now, I’m aware that smacking fish with an instrument with a blunt edge isn’t exactly human, but when performed correctly, it’s swift and painful. [3]
A firm whacked does the job because it blocks your fish’s nervous system to ensure that the fish cannot feel any sensation.
There’s a chance that the force of the blunt object could end up killing your fish completely, particularly if it’s smaller fish. If the strike did not knock it unconscious, ensure you kill it by stabbing its brain with a knife blade. I said it would be a bit gruesome.
The best part is that you’ve got all the equipment you require for this hidden within your home…
- Aluminium foil
- A blunt object. I’m using an object that rolls
- A sharp knife
Review these guidelines before you try this method. The degree of humaneness completely depends on your capacity to be quick.
Carbon dioxide

When injected into the water, carbon dioxide could cause fish to die. But the process does not happen in a flash, and fish know that there isn’t adequate oxygen in the water and suffer through their final days stressed.
Verifying death
No matter what method is employed whatever method is employed, it is vital to make sure that the fish is dead before the time of disposal. A fish is considered dead within 30 minutes after the end of gill movement or loses the eye-roll (the eye’s movements when the fish is tossed in a lateral direction).
How to NOT Kill Your Fish
There are many ways to kill fish on the internet, but many can harm fish. So, it is important to be wary of these harmful methods. We have discussed the most important ways to be aware of, such as:
Doing your fish a fluke to kill. It’s a mistake to avoid.
It’s a shame, but it’s the most commonly used method people use to deal with dying fish, often by people who were not experienced and introduced betta fish to be innovative as they waited in line for the cashier’s counter.
Why is it that someone thinks that flushing the toilet will immediately kill fish? Changes in the amount of chlorine in water temperature and other elements may kill the fish; however, it won’t help those living in cold water.
The Final Words
I hope that I’ve provided you with an idea of how you can the best way to kill your fish to minimize the pain they suffer.
The decision to kill the fish is not a simple one. It is, however, our obligation as owners of pets to take action in the fish’s best interests, even if it involves putting them down to avoid further suffering.
If you’re reading this post, you likely have a sick fish and are searching for ways to help it back to health.