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How To Change Dns Windows 11

    The Domain Name System (DNS) is among the leading technologies that make the Internet work. It’s also fairly robust. But, at times, the DNS server you’re connecting to could go out of service or suffer routing problems that result in an unsatisfactory web browsing experience. If you’ve discovered that you’re bound to an unreliable DNS server, it could be time to change it. Learn more in my breakdown of the details of DNS and how you can modify the settings of your DNS server in Windows.

    What exactly is DNS?

    Computers, domains, and other smart devices utilize these devices called Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to identify and talk to each other. IP addresses are available in many distinct types.

    IPv4 utilizes a 32-bit address. It’s the version most people have come across. Here’s an example IPv4 number:

    IPv6 is a new IP format that utilizes a 128-bit IP address. Here’s an example of an IPv6 address: 2001:0db8:0100:f101:0210:a4ff:fee3:9566. Scary, right?

    What does this have to relate to DNS?

    Good question. DNS is created to convert the domain name (e.g.,,, to the IP addresses of their respective domains. In this case, DNS would translate to

    DNS was invented because even though we’re decent at retaining names (myself not including), we could be better at storing large amounts of random numbers. Imagine you’re trying to recall the random 12-digit numbers on every site you visit. It’s much simpler for us to identify than it is for us to remember

    DNS is similar to the app for maps on your phone. Please enter the address of the place, and it gives you the address and directions for how to reach it. You also provide your browser with a domain name, and DNS converts that to the IP address and redirects the traffic wherever it is required to take it.

    The reasons you might want to modify the DNS server configurations

    Once that explanation is clear as mud, Let’s discuss why we should want to alter the DNS settings of our computer.

    Most devices are using whatever DNS server configurations are automatically allocated to the device by their internet service provider (ISP). If, for instance, your ISP is Comcast, it will guide users to their DNS server, which is or However, this is beneficial because the users do not have to take any steps. However, If the DNS servers don’t work, you may experience regular problems with routing. If you’re among the unfortunate ones being sent to non-reliable DNS servers, consider manually setting the DNS server configurations.

    Here are a few ways to manually alter the DNS server’s configuration in Windows.

    How to alter your DNS server for Windows 11 (3 different methods)P

    Method 1: Applying the settings of your Network

    Step 1: Type “Network” in the Windows search engine and then go to “Network as well as Internet.” You can also utilize the shortcut “Windows” + [i[i] to launch “Settings” and go to “Network as well as Internet”.

    Step 2: Access the properties of your internet connection by clicking “Properties” (top middle). Scroll down to “DNS servers assigned”. As a default, automated DNS server assignment is disabled. Select “Edit” and then change to “Manual”.

    Step 3: You’ll find your DNS server menu, which includes the “Preferred DNS” and “Alternate DNS” fields. In the area marked “Preferred DNS Server,” input an IP address for the DNS service you wish to use as your primary DNS server. In the “Alternate DNS server” section, type in the IP address for your second DNS server. Keep your modifications. DNS name resolution will now be handled by the DNS servers you choose.

    Method 2: Apply the settings of your adapter

    Step 1: Go to the Settings menu by using the Windows search box or the shortcut [Windows+ [i]] and go to “Network as well as Internet.” Choose “Advanced Network settings” from the top.

    Step 2: Click “More options for network adapters” to view your active internet connection. Double-click the link or network adapter, then go to “WiFi Properties” under “Activity.” It is necessary to have administrator rights to accomplish this.

    Step 3: You will have an array of network components listed under “This connection utilizes the following elements.” Select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”. If you’re connected to the IPv6 connection, you can select “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” instead. Go to “Properties”.

    In the “Properties” section of the settings for your network adapter, it is possible to change the DNS server in the section titled “Internet Protocol Version 4 (or 6)”.

    Step 4: Click “Use the DNS servers listed below addresses” and type in your IP addresses for both the DNS primary and secondary servers of your preference in “Preferred DNS Server” as well as “Alternate DNS server.” Check your changes to connect to the DNS server you prefer.

    Method 3: Applying the router

    Step 1: To connect all of your gadgets to that same Network, changing the DNS setting on your router is possible. Steps to change your router’s settings depend on the kind of router you’re using. If you’re using Fritz! In the box instance, you can connect to the user interface by navigating to ‘’

    Step 2: Once logged in, Step 2: Go to “Internet” and select “Account details.” Click “DNS Server”.

    Step 3: Based on the type of server you are using, IPv4 or IPv6, choose “Use DNSv4 servers assigned by the Internet service providers” or “Use alternative DNSv6 servers assigned by the web service company”. Select the primary and second DNS IP addresses for your preferred servers and then confirm by clicking “Apply.”

    Modifying DNS server configurations in Windows 11

    In Windows 11, go to Settings > Network & Internet. Choose the option to change Advanced Network Settings. Choose the entry for the connection you want to alter: Ethernet or WiFi. Select the following option to View additional Properties.

    On the screen for Properties On the Properties screen, select Edit to change the DNS server assignments. In the menu that appears to Edit DNS settings, click the drop-down menu to select Automatic (DHCP), then change the setting to Manual. On the toggle for IPv4, type in the IP addresses for your preferred and alternative DNS servers in the correct fields. Make sure to include dots in the proper places. Select Save.

    Do you need to change the IPv6 address?

    The world has been deprived of IP version 4 addresses; we’re slowly moving to IP version 6. IPv6 provides an even more comprehensive range of accessible addresses. What does this mean? Is it time to change your DNS servers to support IPv6? Not necessarily. Most ISPs do not offer IPv6 or are in the process of testing.

    It is possible to determine if your Internet service provider has joined the bandwagon of version 6. Navigate to the Test-IPv6 site using the current internet connection. Results will reveal which ISP is compatible with the latest protocol. If so, most third-party services do provide IPv6 addresses.

    How to modify DNS Servers by using the Options in Windows 11?

    In Windows 11, using the Settings option is the easiest method to change settings for the DNS server. IPv4 as well as IPv6 protocols can be used for DNS definition.

    These are the steps to follow:

    1. Open Settings through the start menu or Windows Key + I.

    2. In Settings, select Network in the Settings section. Then, choose Internet Internet.

    3. Select the Ethernet connection if you’re connected via wires or the WiFi navigation.

    4. Next, Choose the Ethernet or WiFi adapter in the Advanced network choices.

    5. Select the Edit option.

    6. Pick the manual choice.

    7. If you’re sure that the IPv4 option isn’t turned on, turn it on.

    8. the alternative DNS boxes enter new servers in the Preferred DNS.

    Modifying your DNS Server on Windows 11

    The DNS is the most essential part of the internet’s modern. Although ISPs can provide an automatic DNS configuration, putting things in your hands is possible if you seek security. Utilizing the easy methods that are provided above, you’re able to alter the settings of your DNS server’s settings without issues and make sure your computers are secure.

    Change DNS Settings from the Control Panel for Windows 11

    Windows can also permit users to alter their DNS settings through their Control Panel. Additionally, with Control Panel, you can set various DNS servers for different connectivity modes if you choose to set them up.

    In the case of your WiFi in your home, You want to use your default ISP DNS address while using any alternative DNS service when connecting to your LAN network on the workplace network.

    To do this:

    1. Activate the Windows+R button on your keyboard to open the Run Command’ tool.
    2. Enter control, then click Enter at the keyboard to open Control Panel.
    3. Control Panel.


    Changing your DNS server using Windows 11 is a simple and effective way to increase your internet connection and protect yourself. You can ensure steady performance and enable parental settings to block inappropriate websites by utilizing reliable and efficient DNS servers, such as Google Public DNS, Cisco OpenDNS, or Quad9. When you opt to alter your DNS preferences through the Settings application or Control Panel, following the steps provided in the above guide can help users complete the required changes quickly. Thus, it is time to change to the best DNS provider to benefit from a speedier and safer browsing experience.

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