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How To Inspect Element On Iphone

    Apple has come far with its iconic iPhone range. Its iOS is the most popular mobile operating system worldwide, with a market share of 28.27%. This means that millions use iPhones for accessing web pages around the world.

    You need to know how to inspect elements in iPhone so that you can improve the functionality of Safari pages and alter their appearance accordingly.

    We’ve created a stepby-step guide to help you get the hang of it.

    What does Inspecting an Ellement Mean?

    As a front-end web designer, you can easily inspect and modify elements on a webpage and experiment with its appearance by editing the HTML and CSS files.

    However, these changes are only visible to your device. You can reload your webpage to see the new changes, but they are not visible on your device. In reality, editing a website’s sources code is not what you do. You are only experimenting with elements that you can view and use to troubleshoot.

    Designers, marketers, and support staff can all benefit from the ability to inspect elements. Designers may be interested in seeing how a site design displays on mobile devices or what themes are being used by competitors. A marketer might look at how their competitors use their keywords.

    A support agent with basic knowledge of CSS can modify any text, design, and hierarchy within seconds. He can also inspect elements and escalate the issue to the developers.

    There are many different ways to inspect an element on iPhone Devices
    Below are different methods to inspect elements on iPhones.

    BrowserStack allows you to use iPhone devices

    Safari developer tools are used to inspect components on an actual device
    You can debug the Web Inspector feature
    Adobe Edge Inspect

    Safari lets you directly inspect web elements.
    The simple answer is “no”. Safari on iOS does not offer a native inspector tool that can be used to inspect the development of a website. Apple does not give any reason why such an option isn’t available, but we think it’s due to the tiny displays of smartphones. The smaller size of the display may make it difficult for users navigate around the boxes.

    Another reason could be the insufficient computing power available on smartphones. Modern iPhones have sufficient power to run graphic-intensive apps, but it can be difficult to view page information on websites as not all websites were created equal. Although some websites may have many resources and layers, they may not load quickly.

    How can I inspect the element on my smartphone?

    You can use many methods to inspect elements from your phone. This tool can prove to be extremely useful and effective for the operation of a website.

    We’ll show you how you can access this option from your phone. These are just a few of the ways you can do it:

    Using Safari Developer Tools

    Apple grants developers access to this feature, allowing them to inspect and debug web elements on iPads, iPhones, and iPads.

    This procedure requires an iPhone and Mac as well a USB Cable. These are the steps you need to follow after you have obtained all three.

    Connect All Devices

    • First, connect your Mac and iPhone using the USB cable.
    • Open Browser
    • After connecting all of the devices, launch Safari on your system. To access the preferences option, click on the tab in the browser.
    • Tap on Show Develop Meal
    • Tap on the Advanced Option to open your web browser. If you click on the Advanced option, you’ll see an option for ” Show Develop menu In Menu Bar”.

    Tap on The Develop Option

    After that, the develop option will be visible at the top. You will then be able to inspect the element you have created.

    You must note that this feature works only on Apple Macs.
    Chrome Browser for iPhone: Examining the Element
    Chrome browser can allow you to see website elements using your iPhone. To do this:
    Launch the Chrome browser and visit a website.
    Tap on the addressbar and type view source: before the HTTPS.
    Reload your page to see all elements.

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