Ticks aren’t just an issue during summer and spring; they are active even when temperatures are cold. The arachnids awake from their winter sleep at approximately 8 degrees Celsius. Since they carry microbes that can cause disease, these bloodsuckers pose a risk not only to humans but also animals as well.
The number of cases of Lyme disease TBE and Babesiosis is growing, and experts estimate that each fourth tick carries pathogens.
Babesiosis, also known as canine, is carried by the marsh tick’. Initial signs include fatigue and loss of appetite. This can cause anemia. It is often that is followed by lethargy and fever. If you think your pet may be suffering from Babesiosis or other conditions, seek a vet immediately. If you don’t treat it, the disease can be fatal!
Similar to TBE (tick-borne Encephalitis). Drowsiness and weakness are among the early warning signs, followed by seizures and a high fever. But, TBE is typically found in animals with a weak immune system. In the beginning, TBE can be treated by using antibiotics. If not treated, TBE leads to fever attacks and joint inflammation, fatigue, and fatigue, which can lead to paralysis. It is highly recommended to get vaccinated, but unfortunately, it doesn’t provide 100% protection.
Regularly Check Your Dog for Ticks
One of the most effective ways to stop a tick problem from spreading is to catch the issue early. If your dog is inclined to wander through thick brush or tall grass regularly, check for ticks, paying particular attention to the neck and head, the feet and ears, and in between toes. Please read our complete guide to identifying and locating ticks on your dog.
Remember that tick bites can be difficult to recognize after the tick has gone away from your pet. They are often not painful, and unless you spot that tick on your dog, you aren’t aware that your dog received a bite. Doing a tick check once a day or more than once throughout the day in high-risk locations can increase the odds of spotting a tick, even if it’s still present in your pet.
Treat Your Yard for Ticks
Check for areas in your yard that could contain ticks. Overgrown bushes or patches of grass that are tall can be tick hotspots, and you can help eliminate the risk by cutting or trimming, weeding, or trimming. Then, spray an outdoor tick in your yard to eliminate ticks and decrease the amount that may be transferred to your pet.
How do you protect your pet from ticks?
The good thing is that you can stop your dog from becoming infected quickly.
Avoid areas that have high grass.
Ticks love to lie down on the ground in thick grass or leaves. When going for walks in the tick season (which is usually the warm months of March through September), It’s best to stay clear of or limit your exposure to long grass, especially when deer are grazing there.
It is a good idea to walk towards the center of paths, away from the plants along the edges, and stay clear of overhanging plants, where ticks are known to lie, waiting to eat their next food source.
However, ticks can live in various environments, so it’s crucial to be on guard throughout the day. For instance, immature ticks (called tick Nymphs) require humidity to survive and find shady places. Even though ticks are usually associated with grassy areas, your dog can catch them in the park or your backyard if it’s also an area home to wild animals.
Be sure to take care of yourself when you go for walks.
If you’re going to be walking in tick-prone areas, be sure that you’re dressed for the occasion to ensure you don’t get ticks on your own that could put your entire family and your dog at risk.
It would help if you protected yourself to keep tick bites out of your body. Always wear pants, rather than shorts. It would help if you tucked in socks so your ankles are protected. Always inspect the area around your body to see if ticks are present following walking.
Frisk your dog daily
Conduct a “tick check” on your pet daily, especially after outings. Eliminating the tiny bugs before they have had a chance to become embedded is a way to prevent the risk of transmission of diseases. The most popular places for ticks to attach themselves are the dog’s neck, ears, and head, So pay close attention to these places.
Keep the ticks that you take out.
It sounds disgusting; I know It’s awful, but ticks you get rid of could prove beneficial. Different types of ticks carry various illnesses. Because the symptoms of other tick-borne diseases are similar, knowing the tick species your dog was exposed to could aid your vet in focusing on the diagnosis faster. I suggest dunking and keeping ticks in a container filled with isopropyl alcohol. Take them to your vet should your dog get sick.
Choose a Tick Treatment Plan for Your Dog
The most important thing to do to fight ticks is to prevent them. Check if a collar spray, spot-on treatment, or tablets suit your pet and you.
Tick Collars
Pros of Tick Collars
- They last for a long time, some of which stay at least eighteen months.
- Eliminates the hassle of treating each month
- A simple way to distribute ingredients that eliminate ticks
- No prescription is required, and it’s easy to locate
- Usually, it protects against fleas too.
- Quick and straightforward to administer
Cons of Tick Collars
- A higher upfront cost, however, the price per month may be lower than similar treatment options.
- Spot-on Treatments
Pros of Spot-on Treatments
- Specific spot-on treatments don’t need ticks or fleas to kill
- Quick and straightforward to administer
- A lot of people do not need prescriptions.
- Available immediately
- Protect against fleas, and some even provide mosquito protection.
Cons of Spot-on Treatments
- Owners should ensure that they apply spot-on treatments each month.
- Certain types of products should not be used on cats.
Topical Sprays
Pros of Topical Sprays
- Work on contact
- Owners can quickly focus on ticks found on their pet’s skin.
- It can be sprayed on hard-to-reach regions.
Cons of Topical Sprays
- The ticks that are present on the pet will only be killed at the time of application.
- Does not include a prevention component.
Pros of Tablets
- Quick and straightforward to administer
- Some jobs can last up to 3 months.
Cons of Tablets
- Ticks must bite them before they can be affected.
- Owners should remember to give tablets regularly.
- It requires an appointment with a physician.