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How To Turn Off Amber Alerts On Android

    Smartphones are amazing. They enable you to be connected to your loved ones, your neighborhood, and even the entire globe with a simple finger. But the connection works in both directions. In the U.S., smartphone users receive around three nuisance phone calls as well as more than 40 alerts per day. While these numbers don’t seem to be a burden, there is always the option to disable notifications specific to apps or turn off your smartphone when in the theater, and you’ll be able to use your money on one of the most affordable phones in 2023.

    Specific alerts aren’t easily blocked, for instance, Amber Alerts. In case of a kidnapping and police are notified, they notify FEMA via the Integrated Public Alert & Warning System. FEMA sends out an alert via an alert system called the Wireless Emergency Alert system, a mobile-based emergency alert system that almost all mobile carriers within the U.S. opted into. Technically speaking, WEA messages are SMS texts. But, they are sent for all phones in a particular geographic zone instead of just two phones. It is also loud and irritating (sorry that you aren’t able to change the tone). The alert is played even when you’re on your phone not to disrupt. How do you switch off this alert?

    How to Turn Off AMBER Alerts on a Stock Android Phone

    For most Android phones, removing alerts from the handset’s settings is possible.

    1. Choose the Settings option from the home screen.

    2. Scroll down to choose Apps and Notifications.

    3. Scroll down to the bottom and then choose Advanced.

    4. Select Emergency Alerts.

    5. Clear the checkbox beside AMBER alerts. Also, you can be disabling alerts for Extreme threats and severe threats.

    AMBER and Emergency Alerts Explained

    AMBER Alert is an AMBER Alert System. It is a voluntary partnership between broadcasters, law enforcement officials, transport agencies, law enforcement, and the wireless industry to alert people of cases of severe child abduction in their local area.

    In addition to AMBER alerts, many phones have settings for different alert types. Wireless Emergency Alerts are issued through authorized government authorities that issue alerts via your mobile provider. Wireless customers don’t have to pay connection or data charges when receiving WEA messages.

    Warnings and weather alerts are sent to:

    • Tsunamis
    • Tornado and Flash Flood Warnings
    • Hurricane, Typhoon, Dust Storm, and Extreme Wind Warnings
    • State/Local alerts also include notifications for:
    • Emergency requiring evacuation
    • Emergencies that require immediate intervention

    Presidential alerts are only issued in the event of a national emergency. According to FEMA presidential alerts, they cannot be turned off.

    How can I remove Amber alerts from Motorola phones?

    1. Open the Settings application.

    2. Go into Notifications.

    3. Hit the Wireless Emergency Alerts section within the General section.

    4. Find your AMBER alerts option and turn it off.

    Alerts for emergencies and Android

    Sometimes, but not always, depending on your surroundings’ tolerability, your phone could receive an alert in an emergency. It could come with terrifying sounds, an eerie hum, the sound of an engine, or even alarms about missing persons. Authorities or governments may also send out numerous alerts regarding weather conditions that will be sent to you. If you need the alerts, your cell phone immediately and without warning stalks your phone. Alerts like this can be a nightmare at night. However, they can help you prepare for what’s to come.

    What kinds of emergency alerts do we have?

    There will be the equivalent of three to four alerts to your Android smartphone based on the area and circumstances of the alert. They are organized in the category of “Cell Broadcast,” and they’re as follows:

    Extreme risks: These alerts could be terrifying for your home and life. Amber alerts are usually given when catastrophic extreme weather conditions like tsunamis, hurricanes, or tornadoes occur.

    Emergency alerts tend to be less severe when compared with extreme threat alerts. Alerts can also be issued whenever there is a change in severe weather conditions, like tsunamis, hurricanes, or tornados, although on a less extensive magnitude. When such an event occurs of weather, it’s unnecessary to make drastic decisions and be prepared for the possibility.

    Alerts for AMBER: AMBER warnings tend to be sent to locate the missing child. AMBER is the acronym for “America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response.” These alerts include a lot of details the authorities can access.

    Presidential alerts are also included in the “extreme threats” emergency alert category. However, it’s provided by the President or their office and cannot be disabled by changing the phone’s settings.

    What exactly does AMBER, alert, emergency, sound mean?

    An Amber (or alert for emergencies) alert is harsh and annoying when your phone has good speakers that are loud enough to draw the attention of others regardless of whether you’re among a group of individuals using their smartphones. Also, the phone vibrates whenever an alert goes out; However, certain phones offer the option of turning off vibrating.

    What are AMBER alerts?

    Although it’s simple to get rid of irritating alarms and useless notifications, Sometimes, it’s essential to be aware of the notifications that are disabled and why they’re on in the first place. AMBER alerts, which stands for America’s Missing Broadcast Emergency Response, are issued through authorities of the U.S. Government to draw the attention of someone missing in some area, an extreme weather condition, or any other emergency situations that are not listed.

    Turning off these options can help alleviate fatigue from notifications. Additionally, you can look up information on topics typically the focus of AMBER alerts on Google, Bing, or Facebook.

    What phone do you want to buy?

    As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, the primary factor in your choice between two phones is Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Google Pixel 7 Pro. Google Pixel 7 Pro will depend on the shape element: Do you prefer a phone that folds, particularly one that does not provide access to an enormous screen when folded? Are you a frequent selfie-taker attracted by the ability to capture selfies via your primary camera on the Z Flip 5? If yes, consider this Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 an ideal choice. It’s fast, has vivid screens, and will receive software updates over the years.

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