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Why Is My Betta Fish Turning White

    Betta fish are colorful fish with colors ranging from blue to green, red, etc. However, many people have asked me, “Why is my betta fish turning white?”. Yes, they become white and sometimes disappear in color or fade. This happened even to my Betta fish. Through my many experiences, I’ve discovered why they turn white and how to treat the problem.
    If you’ve noticed an alteration in color within your betta-fish, even though your initial reaction may be to be worried, it shouldn’t necessarily be cause for concern.
    The white color of betta fish can be due to a range of reasons; therefore, if the color of your betta fish has changed, this article can aid you in determining the reason and provide the most effective treatment.

    Why Is My Betta Fish Turning White?

    Betta fishes are loved by many not just for their beautiful colors and vibrant personalities but also for how easy they are to take care of.
    Even though they may be tough, Betta fish are as vulnerable to negative circumstances as other fish.
    The three main reasons your gorgeous Betta is turning white in a flash due to stress, illness, as well as parasites. Let’s discuss each one of them.

    Changing Environment

    It’s very normal for a recently purchased aquarium to lose its vibrant colors as soon as he’s introduced to the new aquarium.
    If you consider it, the Betta will likely set up a space within his tank or the fish shop. After being removed from the familiar setting and transferred into a new one, stress could make the Betta turn pale. You can reduce the effect of stress by turning off the lights in the tank for a couple of hours. When the Betta has settled in its color, it will become vivid again, normally within a few days.
    Although it’s beneficial to alter the environment within your Betta’s tank, changing the size of the waterscape or introducing new tankmates can be stressful for these delicate fish. But, generally, your Betta will gain his color back several days after establishing his home.
    As the betta fish age, they begin to age naturally and lose color.
    Bettas can live for about five years. If your pet gets this age, you can expect his color to diminish gradually. Indeed, the process can start as early as two years old for some fish, particularly if they’re in a stressful setting.


    Bettas may also become white due to a disease.
    Similar to humans and other animals like dogs and cats Fish can also contract illnesses. But, fish are more susceptible to ailments because they’re directly in contact with the water, and anything in their aquariums could directly impact their bodies.


    Stress is a typical cause of the whiteness of Betta fish. It can be solved by ensuring that other fish within the tank aren’t invading those Betta fish.
    Furthermore, it can be extremely beneficial to ensure that the fish doesn’t see its reflection and that it’s kept in water between 78 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Ensure the water temperature does not fall below 74°F or above 86 degrees.

    Body flukes

    Body flukes can also create whiteness within your Betta fish.
    A fluke is a frequent kind of parasite that can occur in fish water. When your fish’s health is good, its immune system will likely be strong enough to fight the fluke. However, if your fish is stressed, sick, or the quality of water decreases, fluke counts could increase and infect your fish.
    The body flukes are colorless and are usually visible through the naked eye. They are a few millimeters in length and extremely thin. They could appear as if your Betta is becoming white if you see a lot in a row.
    Anti-parasitic treatments are extremely efficient against flukes. Praziquantel is an excellent treatment and can be found in many treatments like Prazi-Pro and API General Cure.


    Many illnesses can cause a betta fish to lose color or change color.
    For example, ich is the name of a parasite in white that is attached to the body’s exterior. As its name suggests, the parasite causes bettas to feel itchy.
    To get rid of ich, keeping your Betta in quarantine, even if it’s in a tank along with other fish, is necessary. Then, you’ll need to place a heater in the tank to bring it to temperatures of 80 degrees. Within four days, the parasite will go away.
    Another condition that affects bettas is velvet. It alters the color of your bettas to golden.
    Velvet is a different parasite often introduced into the tank when introducing an uninitiated fish. As with ich, it is recommended to raise the temperature of your tank to eliminate it. Including salt in your aquarium and shutting off the lights is also possible.

    Old age

    Like every living thing, betta fish begin to lose some sparkle and beauty towards the close of their life. In captivity, betta fish only have an average lifespan of about three years, but some can live up to five years old. If you’ve been keeping your fish for an extended time, and you begin to see the color of your fish fading and fins becoming thinner, you may think it’s time to let it go.
    There’s no way to help in this situation, but you can ensure that the water quality is excellent and that your tank is as calm as it is. When your fish appears young and is losing color, review all your water conditions and identify the cause of these changes as soon as possible!


    An injury is always a cause for fish to be stressed out. Their immune system gets compromised, and, in most cases, they develop an additional bacterial infection or disease due to a superficial injury.
    The rot of the fin may also trigger an alteration in colors and is usually seen in the fins. If the fish suffers from fin rot and its edges are swollen, the fins may appear to be changing color, becoming either black, white, or brown. Tatty and drooping of the fins is an indication of fin rot. If the Betta recovers from damage to its fins and grows new fins, the growth could also appear to be either brown or white, based on the color of the fish. Similar to if your betta fish suffered an injury to the fin that wasn’t the result of illness or infection.
    Suppose you observe that your fish has developed the appearance of white marks on its body with faded colors. In that case, it’s best to think that you have an infection of some kind, either ich ( Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) or an iodonium species. Oodinium. If the spots aren’t found to be parasites, be sure to isolate the affected fish in the event of a case.


    If your Betta suffers from ich, it will also show white spots on its skin. The white spots occur by an ichthyopthirius multifile organism, “Ichthyopthirius multifiliis,” infects your Betta’s skin.
    In addition to white spots, you’ll be able to notice that your Betta is suffering from loss of appetite fatigue and their tendency to rub on objects within the aquarium (to eliminate this parasite).

    How To Make My Betta Fish More Colorful

    If you’ve checked your tank for signs of sickness or illness and are still wondering why my Betta fish is turning a shade of white, it could be time to look at the tank conditions of your betta fish.
    Nobody wants to see a stressed betta fish turn white. So, review the tips below to provide your Betta with the best conditions possible and ensure that you are helping it flourish. A healthy routine and a balanced diet will allow your Betta to grow more vibrant than ever before.

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